Elevating nurses with Professional Development

HS NPD Membership Extension Announcement

Posted almost 4 years ago by Jimmy Lao

Hello fellow educators:

 Wow!  What a wild ride the past few months have been!  I am now thoroughly skilled in the rollercoaster ride of Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief, mostly wavering between disbelief and anger.  I also had grand realizations regarding how leaders, educators especially, function as change agents, how the method we choose to disseminate new information is crucial, and how vital our educators are in a rapidly shifting environment.  The weight I have felt as an educator during this pandemic rivals anything I ever experienced in my 20+ years of direct patient care.  Occasionally I felt guilty or useless for not being in the ED caring for the patients.  I frequently felt powerless to meet the immediate needs of the staff in terms of transparent and timely communication, explanation of the newest policy, defense of the process we just instituted which had little scientific backing, or the simple offering of appropriate PPE.  It’s been stressful to say the least.

We at High Sierra NPD are proud of the hard work you do during the pandemic and year-round.  I hope you spoke up in defense of the bedside caregivers and in the name of effective education practices.  I hope you grew as an educator in some way. I hope you felt appreciated by your leadership and your nurses. 

Now that life is getting somewhat back to normal, we are planning the next High Sierra NPD event for later this summer.  Prior to the shutdown, we had been preparing a “meet and greet”; I believe a social gathering may be even more beneficial now for us all to share our educator successes and failures.  If you have any suggestions, please email us.

Additionally, all the HS NPD Board Members would like to extend all current HS NPD affiliates’ memberships out six months as a token of appreciation for all you do for nurses and our profession. 

Thank you and we will see you soon.

Stay safe, well, and informed,


Sherry Stofko, RN

HS NPD President